Laughing, drinking and shopping has been banned in North Korea for 11 days, here's why

No laughing, no drinking and no shopping in North Korea for 11 days. North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has announced this on the 10th death anniversary of his father Kim Jong Il, who was the former leader of North Korea.

People can not even celebrate their own birthday during the mourned period

North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un has banned laughing, drinking and shopping in the country for 11 days from friday onwards to mourn on the 10th death anniversary of his father and the former leader of North Korea Kim Jong Il. 

On December 17, 2021 there was the 10th death anniversary of Kim Jong Il. The former leader ruled over the country for 17 years until his death on December 17, 2011. He died due to heart attack at the age of 69. Kim Jong Un became his father's succesor and he has also completed his 10 years of ruling.

During the mourned period, no one in the country can cry aloud even on the death of anyone's family member and body must be taken out after the mourned period.

People can not even celebrate their own birthday during this period. According to the one resident of North Korea, if anyone would not follow these guidelines then strict action is taken against that person.

The police forces have been given duty to keep the penny eye on each and every person of the country so that no one can violate the rules.

There was a 10 days mourning period every year but this year it has been extended to 11 days on the 10th death anniversary of Kim Jong Il. 

Kim Jong Un remembers his father with the other officials and the people of the country pay respects to the statues of Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung (grandfather of Kim Jong Un). It has also come to know that sirens or horns of the vehicles blowed for three minutes and people were silent to pay respect to Kim Jong Il.

Kim Jong Il became the leader of North Korea in 1994 after his father's death Kim Il Sung. The grandfather of Kim Jong Un Kim Il Sung was the first leader of North Korea. He ruled over the country from 1948 to until his death in 1994. Then, Kim Jong Il became the successor of his father.

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