World No Tobacco Day 2021:- Quitting tobacco improves immune system and overall body


World No tobacco day is being celebrated on may 31 every year

31st may is celebrated as World No Tobacco Day every year all over the world. Tobacco causes many problems in the human body. It can cause lungs and heart ailments. Not only lungs and heart, it kills every organ of the body. Even it can cause cancer which is very severe disease. During the Covid-19 period, it is more important to protect our lungs because Covid-19 has adverse impact on the lungs.

The lungs are very important part of our body. It helps us in breathing. So, protection of lungs is essential. Lungs consume smoke during the tobacco which is harmful for lungs. Tobacco damages the blood vessels. It causes high blood pressure and make blood clots. It gives birth to many respiratory diseases. It also causes pneumonia, cold, bronchitis.

Adults who start using tobacco at early age can face the problem of ear diseases, chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe asthma. Pregnant women who use tobacco can face the certain pregnancy problems. It is harmful not only for woman but also for the baby. Secondhand smoke is also very dangerous.

Despite knowing that tobacco is harmful for the body, many addicts don't quit it. Leaving tobacco in one minute is also not easy. So, by doing some efforts and with the help of family, person can leave tobacco. Addict person can leave it by reducing the dose of tobacco. Person should decrease the counting of cigarettes day by day. Nicotine therapy can also be useful in quitting tobacco.

Benefits of quitting tobacco:- Suddenly quitting tobacco is not easy but by reducing day to day dose, it can be quitted. Following are some benefits of quitting tobacco:-

  1. Quitting tobacco improves and cleans the teeth and mouth.
  2. It reduces premature aging wrinkles and increases the face glow.
  3. Tobacco is one of the main reasons of heart attacks. So, quitting tobacco makes heart healthy.
  4. Capacity of the lungs improves by quitting tobacco.
  5. Thicks and impures the blood which reduces the work of heart.
  6. Quitting tobacco improves immune system and make it stronger which helps in fighting with many diseases.
  7. It also reduces stress and anxiety.
  8. It reduces ear infections and sharpen the hearing ability.
  9. Quitting smoking reduces the vision problems.
  10. It makes the organs and bones of the body stronger.

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