World Food Safety Day 2021:- Theme, History and Reason behind celebrating this day

 World Health Organisation (WHO) said that the production and consumption of safe food have immediate and long-term benefits for the people, planet and the economy

'Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow' is the theme of World Food Safety Day 2021

very year june 7 is observed as World Food Safety Day. This day highlights the importance of safe food in the human life. World Health Organisation (WHO) said that the production and consumption of safe food have immediate and long-term benefits for the people, planet and the economy. Safe food prevents and detects the foodborne diseases. 

Theme of World Food Safety Day 2021

'Safe food today for a healthy tomorrow' is the theme of this year's World Food Safety Day. This highlights the importance of safe food not only for today but also for better future. According to United Nations, Safe food prevents from diseases, gives better food and nutrition, increases the attendance in schools and also helps in earning more.

History of World Food Safety Day

The United Nations General Assembly had been passing resolutions for celebrating World Food Safety Day since 2016 onwards. But final resolution has been passed on 20th december, 2018 for celebrating June 7 as World Food Safety Day. The reason behind celebrating this day is to make people aware about the safe food.

Last year, World Health Assembly also passed resolution for celebrating this day. It spreads awareness among the people worldwide for promoting this day.

Reason behind celebrating this day

This day came into existence after witnessing the significance of safe food on the health of people. Many children's across the world under age 5 die every year due to unsafe food which is a very serious problem. So, awareness about safe food is very necessary so that the precious lives of children's can be saved. 

Safety of the food requires not only in cooking and eating but the whole food chain should be safe. From production to harvesting, processing, transportation, storage and consumption. The whole food chain requires to be safe only then we can say food is safe. Safe food means it is free from contamination which should prevent from bacteria and viruses.

Contaminated food can not be seen with the eyes but it is very harmful and toxic in nature. During the Covid-19 period, importance of food safety has increased more. So far there is no evidence that it spreads from the Wuhan's food market but Centres for Disease Control and Safety (CDC) suggested that there is need to wash hands with soap for 20 seconds before cooking and eating food. Food should store at cool place like in refrigerator for preventing it from contamination. 

Only safe food can provide appropriate nutrition to the body. Unsafe or contaminated food spread diseases instead of providing nutrition So, proper etiquettes for the food are required to follow for making it safe.

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