World Population Day 2021:- Theme, History and Significance of this day

The aim of this day is to highlight the adverse impact of overpopulation on the world. India is second largest populace country after China.

This year's theme is "the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fertility."

Every year, World Population Day is being observed on July 11. The aim of this day is to highlight the adverse impact of overpopulation on the world. Growth and development of any country depends upon the population of that country. Overpopulated country can not grow at fast rate.

This day helps in recognizing that population management is very essential for the growth of any person and country. India is second largest populace country after China.

History of World Population Day 2021

United Nations started this day in 1989. The existence of this day came after the observation of Five billion Day on July 11, 1987. When World had crossed the five billion population then this day was observed and people gave good response to this.

First time, World Population day was celebrated on July 11, 1989. Then, United Nations General Assembly passed resolution in December, 1989 to celebrate this day every year for awaring world about the effect of overpopulation on the world's climate and environment. In 2011, World's population surpassed 7 billion barrier.

Significance of World Population Day

This day makes the people aware about adverse impact of overpopulation. Proper education must be given to people about the controlling population. Government of different countries also adopted various measures to control the population.

In the Covid-19 pandemic, it has come to know that which countries had more population, worst-hit by the pandemic. That countries also faced problem of shortage of hospitals, beds, ventilators and oxygens. On the other hand, which countries had lesser population, handled the pandemic without much sufferings.

This day also discusses family planning, poverty, sexual equality, maternal health and civil rights. Whenever someone tells about overpopulation, these things also come in mind. For reducing population, we need to work on these things.

Theme of World Population Day 2021

This year's theme is "the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fertility." It will be observed to put more light on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive behaviour globally. 

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