World Food Day 2021:- Theme, History and Significance of this day

World Food Day is observed on October 16 across the World every year. Food is a fundamental and basic human right. Here is the theme, history and significance of this day. 

World Food Day 2021:- Theme, History and Significance (Pexels)

World Food Day is observed on October 16 across the World every year. This day commemorates the date of founding of Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. World Food day spreads awareness about the hunger and starvation which has been facing by the large number of population in the world.

Besides Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), other organisations such as World Food programme (WFP) and International fund for Agricultural development also concerned for hunger and food security. World Food Day is celebrated by 150 countries across the globe every year.

Theme of World Food Day 2021

The theme of World Food Day 2021 is "Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow." Whatever we do today will decide our future. Our today is also the result of our past actions. So, for better and healthy future, we need to eat safe and healthy food now.

History of World Food Day

Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of United Nations was established in 1945. World Food Day was decided to begin celebrating by FAO's member countries at the Organisation's 20th General Conference in November, 1979. 

The former Hungarian Agriculture and Food minister Dr. Pal Romany played a significant role in the 20th General Conference and suggested the idea of celebrating the World Food Day. Since then, this day has been celebrated every year.

Significance of World Food Day

Covid-19 pandemic has realised the importance of food in life. During this period, many people suffered from hunger and starvation. This issue is more vulnerable in the developing countries. According to the FAO, more than 3 billion people across the world can't afford a healthy diet.

Energy is required for doing any kind of work and only nutritious food can give us this energy. Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, calcium and iron are very important for the body so that it can work properly. Healthy food protects from number of diseases.

Food is a fundamental and basic human right and adequate calories should be reached to the weaker section of the society. Several institutions are working towards this. They ensure to reach the safe and nutritious food to the people who can't afford it easily. 

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