NASA's perseverance rover performs its first drive on the mars

 NASA's perseverance rover leaves marks of its treaded wheel in the soil of jezero crater on mars. It performs its first drive on the mars by walking 21 feet on the soil in 33 minutes.

There are 23 cameras placed in the rover. NASA issued the photos of mars surface. In the photos, apart from dust we can see the big stones.

NASA said that it tested the system, sub- system and instuments of the perseverance in the test drive. Rover's testing process completed in 33 minutes. Initially, it walks 13 feet ahead from the landing site then after turning 150 degree left, moves 8 feet behind. Now, rover is in its temporary parking space.

From where the rover was started its mission, now that is named as'Octavia E Butler landing'. It is named on the name of science fiction author.

Perseverance rover mobility testbed engineer Anais Zarifian said that the 6 tyres of rover are working good. It will make us successful in the world of science. In the coming days, rover will start its work then it will cover the distance of 200 metres everyday.

According to the NASA, perseverance and ingenuity helicopter will do the work of making oxygen from the carbondioxide on the mars. The rover would characterise the mars planet's geology, past climate and pave the way for human exploration of mars.

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