Lockdown in all UP districts on sunday ; who will not wear face mask will be fined of Rs. 1000


Yogi adityanath imposed lockdown in all UP districts on sunday

Uttar pradesh government has taken a big step of lockdown in all UP districts on sunday amid rise in covid cases. Anyone who will not wear face mask will be fined of Rs. 1000 and repeat offenders will have to pay 10 times amount of fine.

CM of Uttar pradesh held a meeting from his residence. On friday, he announced lockdown in UP on sunday. Uttar pradesh is from that 10 states where covid cases are rapidly surging. UP government has taken this step because many people were not following covid-19 protocols.

Schools have been already closed by UP government till 15 may and board exams have been postponed. UP government has also changed the timing of night curfew. Now, night curfew will remain from 8 pm till 7 am. Earlier, the night curfew was from 9 pm to 6 am.

If any hospital will not admit any covid patient then case would file against that hospital. They can't reject the admission of patients otherwise UP government will take strict action against the hospital. District magistrate and chief medical officer will look into the situation. They have been awared by Yogi adityanath in the meeting.

Earlier this week, Yogi adityanath was also reported covid-19 positive and he has been admitted in SGPGI hospital amid his condition worsens.

On the other hand, over 200000 cases have been finding in India from 2-3 days. It means covid-19 situation is not under control. The covid-19 condition is getting worsen in India. People of India are required to follow the covid-19 protocol and take the doses of vaccine for the check on covid-19.

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