International Family Day 2021:- Know the history, theme and significance of the day


United Nations celebrate 15th may as an International Family Day

International family day was proclaimed by the UN general assembly in 1993. Since 1994, International family day has been celebrating all over the world on 15th may. United Nations celebrate this day with full of joy and enthusiasm. This day shows us the importance of family in everyone's life.

Since 1996, United Nations has been assigning theme every year. This International Family day's theme is 'Families and New Technologies.' During this pandemic time, we all have realised the importance of  our family. 

Lockdown period has also make us aware about the new technologies. Work from home has been increased all over the world and for doing any type of work from home, we requires the use of new technology. Most of the people are doing work from home during this pandemic time. Technology has made our work simple and convenient. Anyone can connect with any person in any corner of the world by using the technology.

On one side, Everyone is very tensed about the Covid-19 pandemic but on the other side, it has teach us the importance of our family. During the lockdown period, everyone is in tension but with the love and humbleness of the family, most of the people have get ridden of the tension or anxiety. Lockdown period, gave us the opportunity to spent more time with the family.

Family remains with the person in every aspect of the life. From birth to death, there is only family who always remains with the person. A person can make various friends in life but family always remains one. Family is the first one who teaches the children. The ethics and values which children learns from the family, always remains with him/her.

At the every part of life, even in schools, colleges or during the work, everyone put questions about the family. Even during the interview, information about the family is also required to give. Family also helps us during the tough times. 

So, this is the right occasion to express some love and feelings towards the family. We are required to give some gifts and flower bouquets to our family. We need to give our full day to our family and appreciate their works which they have done for us.

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