World AIDS Day 2021:- Theme, history and significance

 Every year, a new theme is decided on the World AIDS day and the theme of this year is "End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics." First time this day was celebrated in 1988.

According to World Health Organisation, around 3.77 crore people were living with HIV in 2020. (Pexels)

World AIDS Day is observed on December 1 each year. This day spreads awareness about this life threatening disease among the people and also remembers the people, who lost their lives due to this global health crisis. Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an epidemic which caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The HIV virus attacks the immune system of the patients and reduces its resistance to other diseases. It severes the condition of the patient.

World AIDS Day 2021:- History and Significance

First time this day was celebrated in 1988. Although, this disease was discovered in 1984 and since then many changes take place in it. AIDS is incurable disease but it can be prevented by adopting certain measures. Thanks to recent improved access to Antiretroviral treatment in many regions of the world. HIV medicines have also been developed, which prevents the patient from the severe condition.

According to World Health Organisation, around 3.77 crore people were living with HIV in 2020. Covid-19 pandemic make the condition worse. Now, we need to get rid of not only AIDS but also from Covid-19.

Celebrating World AIDS day is very essential because it educates people about this disease. Many people are unaware of AIDS and some think that it spreads just by touching the affected person. Due to lack of knowledge, people treat the AIDS patients unethically. So, on this day, we can spread education and awareness among the people.

World AIDS day is celebrated only once in a year but one can become the part of this campaign by donating some money for the AIDS patients. There are many private, governmental and non-profit organisations, which treat and support the patients.

World AIDS Day 2021:- Theme

Every year, a new theme is decided on the World AIDS day and the theme of this year is "End Inequalities. End AIDS. End Pandemics." There is a need to end an inequalities, which are prevailing in the society against the AIDS patients. Ending an inequalities will help in ending the AIDS and it will lead to an end of pandemics. It will help in achieving the target of AIDS-free and Pandemic-free society.

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