Google doodle celebrates 161st birthday of Japan's 'Father of Judo' Kano Jigoro

Google doodle celebrates 161st birthday of Kano Jigoro who was the educator and Japan's 'Father of Judo.' In 1882, Kano Jigoro opened his judo organisation named- Kodokan Judo Institute.


Google doodle is illustrated by Los-Angeles, CA- based artist Cynthia Yuan Cheng.

Google doodle celebrates 161st birthday of Kano Jigoro who was the educator and Japan's 'Father of Judo.' Doodle shows the slides in which life of the Kano Jigoro depicts. Google doodle is illustrated by Los-Angeles, CA- based artist Cynthia Yuan Cheng.

Kano Jigoro was born on October 28, 1860 in Mikage town of Tokyo. His father wanted to give him the higher education as he had great believe in the education. Jigoro's mother had died when he was 9 years old. His father took his family to tokyo when Jigoro was 11 years old. He had been admitted in the school of Europeans so that he could learn english and german languages.

Kano Jigoro's height and weight was not very good and his fellows used to harass and beat him. Once from his family's friend, he had come to know about jujutsu. He understood that this is a physical training and with this help even small person can overcome the big and stronger man.

He tried to find a good coach to learn jujutsu. At the time of studying in Tokyo Imperial College, he finally found someone who would teach him- Samurai Fukuda Hachinosuke.

Kano Jigoro was lost from his much larger opponent during the jujutsu match. Then, he learned one technique from the modern wrestling to defeat his opponent. The word 'judo' was first born during the jujutsu sparring match when Jigoro applied this technique to his much larger opponent and beat him.

In 1882, Kano Jigoro opened his judo organisation named- Kodokan Judo Institute and worked for several years to develop judo. He also gave an entry to the women in 1893. According to the Jigoro's philosophy, 'judo' means 'maximum efficiency with minimum effort' and 'mutual welfare and benefit.'

Kano Jigoro was also an educator or professor. He remained president of Tokyo Higher Normal School from 1900 to 1920. He became the first Asian member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1909 and In 1960, IOC approved judo as an official Olympic sport. Jigoro represented Japan at most olympic games held between 1912 to 1936.

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