World Animal Day 2021:- Know the Aim, History and Significance of this day

 According to the World Animal day website, the aim of World Animal day is to raise the status of the animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe. This day is also known as the Animal lovers day.

World Animal Day has the great importance for the Animal lovers

Every year World Animal day is celebrated on October 4, the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. This day is celebrated for the rights and welfare of animals as they are also the living beings and have emotions and feelings.

Aim of World Animal Day

According to the World Animal day website, the aim of World Animal day is "to raise the status of the animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe." World Animal day is globally promoted by the Naturewatch foundation which is the UK based animal welfare charity established in 2003.

It made its website in 2003 and since then it has been working for the welfare of animals. "Building the celebration of World Animal Day united the animal welfare movement, mobilising it into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals. Every country celebrate this day with different ways, irrespective of religion, nationality, faith and political ideology. Through increased awareness and education we can create a world where animals are always recognised as sentient beings and full regard is always paid to their welfare", written on the website.

History of World Animal Day

First time World Animal day was celebrated in 1925 by the Cynologist Heinrich Zimmermann. He organised the event on March 24, 1925 at the Sport Palace in Berlin, Germany but originally it taken place on October 4, 1925, to align with the feast day of Francis of Assisi. Over 5000 people attended that event.

Zimmermann worked tirelessly to promote the World Animal day and finally in 1931 Animal Protection Congress in florence, Italy accepted his proposal to celebrate October 4 as the World Animal Day and adopted as a resolution.

Significance of World Animal Day

The day is celebrated to promote the rights and welfare of the animals. This day is also known as the Animal lovers day. There are many people in the world who love the animals and keep pets in their homes. They treat their pets as their family members. This day has great importance for them.

World Animal Day website encourages individual, businesses and institutions to organise events for the animal welfare on this day. This can spread the awareness among the people.

Animals are also the living beings like human beings. They can take breathe, eat, sleep and have feelings and emotions but many people abused and killed them without any reason which is a very serious problem. Animal lovers can organise events to stop this cruelty. There is the list of events on the world animal day website which they can organise.

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